Ananda Hutcherson Ananda Hutcherson


Me after real life slapped me in the face post-graduation.

Welcome to Episode 01: ‘WTF is Really Going On!?’

Starting off with Logistics:

First: I want to start off by saying— how the hell did we get from the pandemonium to Mr. Wig being in office again? What happened during those six years!? Truly— WTH is going on??

Secondly: I do not seek congratulations or pity when I say creating this blog and actually posting here is no small feat. I have been stuck in a lull for quite some time now— perhaps maybe even since the world froze (i.e. the pandemonium of 2020). I’m even hesitant to call that the start period because even throughout those two years, I achieved great feats— I took 21 credits my senior semester of college, and graduated early from Gonzaga University with a degree in Communication and Public Relations.

I thought that I had done something great; I thought I had done something I could be proud of— and so I entered the world with my shoulders back and head held high, optimistic and eager to find and create a life for myself. But boy, oh, boy little did I know… about anything..

Over-saturation of the Job Market | Deterioration of Mental Stability—

So, BOOM- I graduated and was applying to any and every job/internship that appeared remotely interesting. Because I had completed three hard years at a prestigious institution, I genuinely believed that companies and coorperations would leap at the opportunity to incorporate a young, fresh, and challenging perspective onto their teams— I was gravely mistaken.

The job market was over-saturated with people who were over-qualified for the positions. The jobs I wanted required a bachelor’s degree and a couple years of experience (which I had). Thanks to the pandemonium, the people with Master Degrees and PhD’s were also applying to these ENTRY LEVEL positions so naturally, they were getting the jobs!!

Fast forward, after months and months of this I’m pretty sure I entered into psychosis. (Quick side note— there was also the long time on-again, off-again boyfriend as well as the ADHD testing and diagnosis adding to all of this so… yeah.. whew!) Okay back to story time— I finally came across this retail job at Anthropolgie and am now a retail stylist. I also took a standardized test and acquired a teaching credential and have been doing substitute teaching around my home town.

I thank God that I came across these gigs and do, to some extent enjoy both of my jobs.

To my point— regarding the question that titles this pilot post:

While I’m grateful for my current streams of income, my life does not look remotely similar to the idea I had of it when I left college. I truly have no idea what is going on— Mr. Wig is president, again******. The job postings are high; yet, hiring rates are low. I finally started going to the gym again; yet, I see no results. I’m grown enough to make my own decisions; yet, still young enough that I’m unsure how to even file my taxes… HELL— I just got my first jury summons the other day!!!

All of this to say; I am launching this blog because I know what it is to feel like the world is up against you. I know what it is to feel like nobody understands. I know what it is to feel like you worked your butt off and are not reaping any of it’s benefits. I know what it is to feel like you have planted a seed, and are in an eternal period of limbo, just waiting for it to bloom— hell even for it to just sprout!

I’m hoping that through this blog and with this (hoped for) community, we can unveil what’s really going on together. Hopefully you all can help me and I can help you (feel less alone).

With love, style, and grace,

Yours Truly,

Ananda Hutcherson

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